Jenius: Smart Switch
Nov 10, 2022

Jenius by SMBC Indonesia
UI/UX Specialist
Strategic decisions-making are playing important role in financial investment, and mutial fund switching plays role in optimizing portfolio performance. Investors often switch funds to rebalance asset allocation, adapt market condition, or aligning with their financials goals.
User Problems
Users find that buying and selling mutual funds alternately takes a very long time, as a single process alone can take up to 5 business days. Therefore, they need to secure their portfolio profits with a seamless experience—no need to hassle with complicated administration.
As a designer, I will create an interface for mutual funds switching for the use case below to meet the user's needs. My contibution is to identify all necessary task & possible scenarios during switching transaction.
Use Cases
Users are eligble for switching transactions
Users are not eligible for switching transaction (no product replacement or insufficient units)
Partial switch
Full switch
Switching process (success, failed, and on process)
Design Process
Insight Gathering
To start this project, I gathered all necessary data by conducting desk research and gather opinions from branch & investment officers to get to knows the current process how user's habits on optimizing their portfolios performance.Users Flow
After getting all needed data, I continued to create a user flow. In this process, I tried to list all necessary task & possible scenarios that users will faced during switching transaction, from onboarding process to end of transaction.Wireframe
Afterwards I proceed to create wireframe design, this process mainly used to stay focused on the ideas to construct information and user experience.High Fidelity Design
At this stage, I translated the refined wireframes into high-fidelity designs using the established design system to ensure consistency, scalability, and efficiency while collaborating closely with other designers to validate component selection and ensure alignment with the overall system standards.Usability Testing
Before performing design handoff, I conducted online usability testing with our various investment background respondent to check proposed design and identifity if there's any feedback or enhancement needed using interactive prototype.
Result:Most our respondent feel that proposed switching design are easy todo in Jenius
They curious to try
The proposed design is simple to follow, with clear information on the transaction (e.g., products that will be switched, a clear estimation of the switching process, and highlighted information if there is any difference in returns (loss or gain)).
Design Handoff
On final process, I collaborated with developers and QA teams to ensure the design was implemented accurately. I conducted design handoff sessions, provided detailed specs, reviewed staging environments, and worked with QA to validate UI flows & pixel perfect.